The Ultimate Guide to Pairing Wine with Food

Pairing wine with food can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. With a few simple guidelines, you can elevate your dining experience and impress your guests with perfectly paired wines. Here’s the ultimate guide to pairing wine with food.

White Wine with Fish and Seafood

White wine is a classic choice for pairing with fish and seafood. Light, crisp whites such as Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Grigio, and Albariño pair well with delicate fish such as sole, sea bass, and cod. Richer whites such as Chardonnay pair well with fattier fish such as salmon and tuna.

Red Wine with Meat

Red wine is a great choice for pairing with meat. Full-bodied reds such as Cabernet Sauvignon and Malbec pair well with rich, flavorful cuts of meat such as steak and lamb. Lighter reds such as Pinot Noir pair well with lighter meats such as chicken and pork.

Rosé with Spicy Food

Rosé is a great choice for pairing with spicy food. The fruity and refreshing flavors of rosé pair well with spicy dishes such as Thai or Indian curries.

Champagne with Appetizers

Champagne is a classic choice for pairing with appetizers. The crisp acidity and bubbles in Champagne pair well with salty, fatty appetizers such as cheese and charcuterie.

Port with Dessert

Port is a great choice for pairing with dessert. The rich, sweet flavors of port pair well with rich desserts such as chocolate cake and cheesecake.

Sherry with Cheese

Sherry is a classic choice for pairing with cheese. The nutty and complex flavors of sherry pair well with rich, creamy cheeses such as Brie and Camembert.

Riesling with Spicy Asian Food

Riesling is a great choice for pairing with spicy Asian food. The sweetness of Riesling pairs well with the heat of spicy dishes such as Thai and Vietnamese cuisine.

Pinot Grigio with Light Pasta Dishes

Pinot Grigio is a great choice for pairing with light pasta dishes such as pasta primavera or linguine with clam sauce. The light, crisp flavors of Pinot Grigio pair well with the delicate flavors of these dishes.

Malbec with Barbecue

Malbec is a great choice for pairing with barbecue. The bold, fruit-forward flavors of Malbec pair well with smoky, spicy barbecue dishes such as ribs and pulled pork.

Sauvignon Blanc with Green Vegetables

Sauvignon Blanc is a great choice for pairing with green vegetables such as asparagus and green beans. The crisp acidity of Sauvignon Blanc pairs well with the fresh, herbaceous flavors of these vegetables.

Pairing wine with food can be a fun and rewarding experience. Remember to experiment with different wines and flavors to find your perfect pairing. Cheers!